Monday, January 19, 2009
New device to quit smoking! Featuring the Electronic Cigarette
I first read about the e-cigarette on this guy’s quit smoking blog, and since he had good experience with it and I was quite amazed by this product, I decided to order my electronic cigarette as well. You can order different kinds of cartridges, with different flavours (tobacco, mint, apple etc) and different nicotine concentrations to slowly break down your nicotine intake and thus quit smoking.
I ordered the New Smoke Premium Starter Kit which has everything you need to get started. It’s even cheaper than traditional smoking in the long run, as you the cigarette battery is rechargeable and the cartridges are quite cheap!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Had some awesome homebrewed beer tonight!
"Homebrewing" typically refers to the brewing of beer and similar alcoholic beverages (and sometimes soft drinks) on a very small scale as a hobby for personal consumption, free distribution at social gatherings, amateur brewing competitions or other assorted generally non-commercial reasons.
History of homebrewing
History of beer
Alcohol has been brewed domestically throughout its 7000-year history.
Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, the history of home brewing was circumscribed by taxation and prohibition, largely due to lobbying by large breweries that wished to stamp out the practice. One of the earliest, modern attempts to regulate private production that affected this era was the Inland Revenue Act of 1880 in the United Kingdom; this required a 5-shilling home-brewing license.
In the US, 33 states had prohibited the production of alcohol by 1920. These laws were famously only repealed in 1933 after a period of bootlegging and illegal manufacture gave rise to organised crime. Following the privations of World War II, the cost of the license to citizens still on rationing severely restricted the pursuit of home-brewing as a pastime in the UK.
Liberalization: post 1960
Liberalization began in English-speaking countries in April 1963, when UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Reggie Maudling removed the need for the 1880 brewing license. Australia followed suit in 1972, when Gough Whitlam repealed Australian law prohibiting the brewing of all but the weakest beers and wines as one of his first acts as Prime Minister.
In the US, when prohibition was repealed with the 21st Amendment, home wine-making was legalised. Homebrewing of beer should have also been legalised at this time, but a clerical error omitted the words "and/or beer" from the document which was eventually passed into law. Thus, the home-brewing of beer remained illegal for several decades.
In November 1978, Congress passed a bill repealing Federal restrictions on the homebrewing of small amounts of beer. Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, signed the bill into law in February 1979, and many states soon followed suit. However, this bill left individual states free to pass their own laws limiting production. For example, homebrewing is still illegal in the state of Alabama.
Development of the craft
A DIY fermentation vessel for the first fermentation:a regular bucket in which a fermentation lock has been inserted
The opportunity to produce alcoholic beverages at home was seized upon enthusiastically, although brewing cultures developed differently with trends dictated by the legal and commercial situation of the legalised territories at the time.
In the United Kingdom, many pioneers were home winemakers owing to the greater availability of information and ingredients. These included C.J.J. Berry, who founded wine brewing circles in Hampshire and three other English counties; began producing Amateur Winemaker magazine and eventually published First Steps in Winemaking. Perhaps the most vocal proponent of home beer making was Dave Line, who after also writing for Amateur Winemaker wrote The Big Book of Brewing in 1974.
The United States, having an established home winemaking culture, moved rapidly into the brewing of beer. Within months of legalization, Charlie Papazian founded the Association of Brewers. In 1984, Papazian published The Complete Joy of Home Brewing.
This and Line's work remain popular texts to this day alongside later publications such as Graham Wheeler's Home Brewing: The CAMRA Guide.
Looking to move towards Dedicated Hosting?
Server administration can usually be provided by the hosting company as an add-on service. In some cases a dedicated server can offer less overhead and a larger return on investment. Dedicated servers are most often housed in data centers, similar to colocation facilities, providing redundant power sources and HVAC systems. In contrast to collocation, the server hardware is owned by the provider and in some cases they will provide support for your operating system or applications.
Operating system support
Availability, price and employee familiarity often determines which operating systems are offered on dedicated hosting servers. Variations of Linux (open source operating systems) are often included at no charge to the customer. Commercial operating systems include Microsoft Windows Server, provided through a special program called Microsoft SPLA.
Red Hat Enterprise is a commercial version of Linux offered to hosting providers on a monthly fee basis. The monthly fee provides OS updates through the Red Hat Network using an application called up2date. Other operating systems are available from the open source community at no charge. These include CentOS, Fedora Core, Debian, and many other Linux distributions or BSD systems FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD.
Support for any of the operating systems above typically depends on the level of management offered with a particular dedicated server plan. Operating system support may include updates to the core system in order to acquire the latest security fixes, patches, and system-wide vulnerability resolutions.
Updates to core operating systems include kernel upgrades, service packs, application updates, and security patches that keep server secure and safe. Operating system updates and support relieves the burden of server management from the dedicated server owner.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hilarous Video Seems like it could be Amir...
Arab Scene - video powered by Metacafe
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sterling Silver Jewelry and Geek It Forward Present ArchmailleDesigns
If you're a silver jewelry fan you're going to love checking out his website hes got pieces and creations of all shapes and styles. From girly and feminine to tie-guards and other more masculine pieces. Along with his sterling silver jewelry pieces he has Copper and other different types of metals and TONS of different designs and colors.
Best of all if you can't find something you like just put in a request to have it custom made...
Monday, March 05, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Curriculum Vitai
Amir Tofangsazan
Date of 20th October 1987
Personal statement
I am very hard working and always give no less than a hundred and ten percent. I am able to deal with stress very well in such away it doesn’t affect my work. I believe my customer service skills are very essential to me in my working life. My definition of a good customer service is always treat the customer with the up most respect as you would to another human being the reason why you should do this is because at the end of the day they are the people who help make a company meet two of its primary objective’s these are make a profit and increase the companies market share. My friends and family find me to be very polite, honest, reliable and friendly. My previous employers thought of me to be very punctual, hard working and always being able to meet a target for myself or the company. I have never in my life not met a target so far and I intend very much to keep that record. I find myself to be very dedicated and loyal to all of my previous and future occupations. All I have left to say is I hope you will consider me as it would be my dream come true to work for a company such as yours.
Education and qualifications
Secondary school:
Subjects: Grades:
Maths C
Business Studies (VGCSE = two GCSE’S) C, C
Single Science E
English C
English Literature C
Catering C
Physical Education C
Drama C
History C
Previous employment
Red planet and marketing Dates: October 2003- May 2004
Role and responsibilities
Position: Team manager
What my position was within the company was Team manager the responsibilities that I had for this role are found below.
- Lead the team
- Train new members of my team
- Complete admin tasks
- Help with the company branch bookkeeping
- Be punctual
- And attend all meetings with the managing director
Role and responsibilities
Position: Dayshift manager
Role and responsibilities: My role and responsibilities was to make sure this company meets its targets for one and for example no less than 60 customers or make no less than two hundred and fifty pounds. I had also to take the responsibility of making sure we had enough stock if we did not enough stock I would have the responsibility to order it. I had to take control of business banking and bookkeeping. Banking for the day shift and bookkeeping overall. Finally if the employees were late or did not even turn up for the day shift I would have to take the responsibility to act on it in a professional and appropriate way. In such away that they know it can not be tolerated within the company.
Here is some picutes:

Dear To Whom It May Concern (Attendance officer)
Subject: Letter for my son Amir Tofangsazan absences
Tuesday 3rd May & Wednesday 4th May: My son was absent due to the fact he took study leave which the head of six form granted him permission providing I gave this letter. In his study leave he went to
Thursday 5th may: Amir was late in the morning due to the fact his bus failed to stop at the bus stop due to the bus was full. he left at 1:00pm meaning he missed his afternoon lesson 5th period due to a part of his contact lens got stuck in his eye therefore he had to go the hospital to remove it from his eye.
Friday 6th May: Amir was unable to attend because it was requested by the doctor not to attend until his eye stopped irritating.
If you require anything further regarding my son’s absences please do not hesitate to call me on my mobile.
Kind Regards
Mrs Tofangsazan

and some legs too!:

anyway i must go as i have things to do so to speak in all truthfulness.
I have been asked by to emphasis that they have absolutely no affiliation with or connection to the subject matter of this blog. There is no connection whatsoever between this blog and the U.S.-based business named The Laptop Guy.